6 Things To Do When Someone Suddenly Faints: Health Emergency Series

No one ever prays for health scares or life-threatening emergencies, but they happen at the most unsuspecting times and places. Knowing what to do in such situations might just be the thin demarcation between life and death. 

Heart attack, fainting, seizures,and stroke are some health problems that might take place without any warnings and demand on-the-spot intervention measures to save a life. 

Over the next two weeks, we will share practical tips on managing health scares. Come with us on this exhilarating journey and don’t forget to share this post,it might just save a life. 


Fainting is a temporary loss of consciousness due to an insufficient flow of oxygen to the brain. The medical term for it is “syncope”.  A fainting spell might last for a seconds or minutes and isn’t usually a cause for alarm.

However, where fainting occurs more than once in a month,with no previous history of fainting,it could be a sign of an underlying health issue and one is advised to talk to a medical doctor immediately.

Here are a couple of things that can trigger fainting:

  • fear or other emotional trauma
  • severe pain
  • a sudden drop in blood pressure
  • Low blood sugar due to diabetes
  • standing in one position for too long
  • standing up too quickly
  • hyperventilation
  • dehydration
  • physical exertion in hot temperatures
  • coughing too hard
  • straining during a bowel movement
  • consuming drugs or alcohol
  • seizures

Here’s a step to step guide on how to manage a person who faints

  1. The first thing to do is to lay the person flat on their back and then raise their leg to increase blood flow to the brain.
  2.  Loosen collars,belts, and other restrictive clothes.
  1. You can shake vigorously, tap briskly or yell at an unresponsive person . 
  2. If there is bleeding or vomiting,gently turn the person on their side.
  3. A glass of cold water might also help the person stabilize.
  4. Call a health provider immediately if the person is not breathing or shows the following symptoms: has blue lips or face, an irregular or slow heartbeat, chest pain, difficulty breathing,acts confused, lost bowel or bladder control, has difficulty with speech and vision.

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